Ask anjali hot questions
Ask anjali hot questions

ask anjali hot questions

Meet says I’ll be back soon going out with family for sometime. Duggu go and hug her says I won’t let you go anywhere. Amma shouts to Anubha bring Manushi down fast everything is ready. Manushi says you are doing this marriage so that nobody questions you and your upbringing and not for my happiness and says don’t waste time bring jewellery for me. Manushi says not this, I’m talking about jewellery and I’ll not sit for marriage until I don’t wear all the jewellery. Manushi in her room ask Anubha to give me.

ask anjali hot questions

Amma says no one is coming and ask Anubha to get Manushi down and pray to God what all dream I had for Manushi’s marriage but what happen, this stupid girl did all thid for sister, please protect her everytime God. Masum thinks Meet Huddah just wait and watch how I’ll bring truth of tour family infront if everyone.Īt Hudda house everyone preparing for Marriage. Sunaina says don’t worry I’m here to help him and you will also feel good. Ragini says we will be back in few hours. Meet says I love to but I have to take care of Meet Ahlawat. Babita ask Meet to get ready we all are going out. Ragini says to Masum Meet will live when she will meet her Mom and Dadi and says Meet is here. Raj says I won’t be able to join you I have an important meeting so please you can go and keep me posted, says to Masum I love how you change your behaviour try to maintain it and Raj and Ram leaves. Hosiyar says I’m not that hungry so parcel it for me.

ask anjali hot questions

Masum says to Hoshiyar why are you so excited always you are his father and Duggu have online class today so have to stay home and we will order online for you. Hoshiyar says good plan I’ll join you and have paratha made by Anubha anuty I’ll get Duggu ready. Masum says to Babita and everyone at dinner table we should keep this as secret and don’t let Meet go we are going, just imagine when she will see her family that smile will be worth watching.

#Ask anjali hot questions update

Meet 4th December 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

Ask anjali hot questions